The Origins of Duck Lodge
During our travels in Banf Springs in 1995, my ex-wife and I stumbled upon an odd store that offered US Mail Boxes in different disguises, such as a Hippo, a Pink Flamingo, a Horse, a Red Fire Engine, and, of course, a Mallard Duck. We were fascinated and decided to purchase the shiny new Duck Mailbox to place it outside our house in Pyecombe.
The Duck quickly became a local attraction, as hundreds of walkers would stop to take pictures with it on the South Downs Way. One morning, however, we found the Mailbox missing, post and all! We were puzzled by its disappearance but one month later, we received a postcard saying "Gone to Brighton to do a Tern, you will need to use another mailbox Teal I return - Have a Quacking Christmas."
Tern and Teal are both breeds of ducks. The mystery remains unsolved to this day.
Thus, we decided to name our new B&B "Duck Lodge" to commemorate our fond memories of the Duck Mailbox.